CERi-Participedia Summer School Summary Report

2 min readAug 1, 2023


Interested in the contemporary study and practice of Radical Democracy? Download our Summer School Summary Report here!

The CERi-Participedia Summer School, June 4 to June 10, 2023, organized under the theme “Radical Democracy”, brought together leading experts, researchers and graduate students and community leaders, activists and practitioners for a week of workshops, discussion, dialogue, community events and field trips. We were joined by participants from the social sciences, including political science, philosophy, communications, sociology, cultural studies, humanities, arts and science, anthropology, economics, environment, health, science and related disciplines at the Masters and PhD level. Several participants from civil society organizations that work on climate change, community development, and poverty reduction. Together, with the summer school team including 29 invited guest faculty, artists, and practitioners, participants explored what it means to re-imagine, research and practice radical democracy in their communities and in everyday life.

Our report summarizes sessions, outcomes and key findings of the summer school. The report also provides access to the full syllabus and impressive reading list, and it captures the visionary ideas created by our participant teams during the summer school.

Please download our report, and share it with anyone interested in Radical Democracy!

Watch this short video produced by SFU CERi to get a sense of what the summer school was all about — https://youtu.be/WmVok0gvEgU




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